Horses – Horse Care

The Flies are Coming, The Flies are Here! | SLO Horse News

The Flies are Coming, The Flies are Here!


With the recent rash of warm and cool weather, intermixed with a little rain and then burning sunshine, the Central Coast has seen a spike in flies and insects of all sorts. Sarah Williams shares first-hand information on how to thwart the bothersome flies.

7 Questions To Ask Your Vet About Cremation


You have choices when it comes to end-of-life plans for your special pets. Understanding the cremation process and knowing the questions to ask will help you make the best choice for your needs with your pet’s best interest in mind. Sharon Jantzen talks with her friend Christine of Eden Memorial Pet Care who shares the questions you should ask your vet about cremation.

Manage Annoying Flies and Fly Bites


Managing annoying flies is a constant battle, even with all of the sprays, salves and “protectors” out there on the market. The problem of fly bites is exacerbated tenfold when the horse has insect allergies, which results in itchiness, hair loss, hives and even open wounds. Sharon Jantzen explores a solution to managing our horse’s fly bites.

No Hoof, No Horse – Put a Stop to Thrush


Left untreated, thrush can lead to more serious issues, such as hoof abscesses, white-line disease and frog decay. As the bacteria and fungus get deeper into the hoof, they wreak havoc on what is actually quite a fragile part of the horse’s body. It has been said by many a veterinarian, farrier and knowledgeable horseman, “No hoof, no horse”, and that’s the truth. Sharon Jantzen takes a look at how to stop thrush in its tracks.