People – What We Do

Busting Bad Riding Habits


When it comes to our horses, bad habits can truly make or break a good relationship, not to mention a good ride. Whether your intent is to simply hit the trails, or your desire is to get into the show pen, “busting bad riding habits” is a necessity. Sarah Williams identifies three common bad riding habits and provides help to bust them.

 Just Enjoy the Ride


Are we on horse care, riding, and tack information overload? So much so that we forget to simply enjoy the ride? Sarah Williams explores how we just might be and how to get back to the very reason we ride.

All I Have Left is a Forelock and a Tail


Is having the forelock and tail of my beloved Katie in a bag tucked away somewhere really the best way to honor her? Are there better or more unique alternatives? Sharon Jantzen spoke with Christine Johnson, General Manager of Eden Memorial Pet Care, to get some ideas as to what options are available to preserve the memory of our horses.