People – What We Do


Trading the Therapy Couch for a Saddle


Equine facilitated therapy is like holding a mirror up and asking, “What do you see?” Through the thoughts and feelings reflected from their experiences with the horses, Gina Sears, a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, gets her clients to focus in the moment and build those reflected experiences into a life strategy. Jackie Iddings introduces us to Equine Assisted Psychotherapy.


The Reining Files: Learning to Breathe


The most fundamental part of a good reining pattern (and any pattern, class, ride, etc.) is breathing. If you don’t breathe, you tense up, if you tense up, your horse tenses up, he rushes, he senses there is a problem and you both make mistakes. Sarah Williams walks us through her own discovery of learning to breathe as a “Reiner”, but her advice is applicable across all riding disciplines.