trail riding

There is Power in a Band of Horse People : Ride Nipomo


Ride Nipomo Equestrian Trails Alliance has a vision for gaining strength in numbers and using the band of horse people they empower to preserve trail access throughout the county and preserve the equestrian life-style development threatens. Sharon Jantzen rides along with this powerful band of horse people and gets inspired by their vision and their accomplishments.

Explore, Enjoy and Energize for a Cause: Work Ranch Benefit Trail Ride


Mark your calendars and saddle up on February 18, 2017, and ride your horse on one of the most scenic ranches on California’s Central Coast. The Work Ranch Benefit Trail Ride will be one spectacular trail ride with poker hands, lunch and camaraderie of fellow trail riders while supporting Partners in Equestrian Therapy. Sharon Jantzen gets us excited about this upcoming community horse event.