May 18th, 10 to 2pm, is Fort Ord Warhorse Day at Marina Equestrian Center. Enjoy a living-history celebration of WWII warhorses of Fort Ord, with cavalry drill, horse-drawn field artillery with cannon, “flash” museum, command post, Army forge, and petting zoo for kids. Original music composed for Fort Ord National Monument will be premiered by Defense Language Institute Brass Band. Exhibits include award-winning photos of Fort Ord and Marina Youth Arts.
• Registration, waiver, and helmet are required.
• Meet in fenced area at corner of California (5th Ave) and 9th at 10am.
• Dismount your bike while at the event for safety.
• Children must be accompanied by guardian.The 11-mile tour of old Fort Ord goes to Fort Ord National Monument, Fort Ord Dunes State Park, and Stilwell Hall beach overlook. The ride stops at Comanche’s Grave and the WWII-era sports center (now Water City Roller Hockey). Pace is relaxed, terrain is hilly. Good fitness is a must; dress in layers and wear sunscreen. Road bikers be aware that the Jerry Smith Access Corridor, a mainly firm trail, includes sandy pockets. Register at Marina Equestrian Center at 10am, see directions above. Ride leaves the event after opening activities.
The 1-mile peewee ride/walk to sports center for treat and rollerskating demo. Guardian must accompany on bike or foot. Register at Marina Equestrian Center at10am. Ride leaves the event after opening activities.
LOCATION: California Avenue and 9th Street, Marina 93933. Directions: From Hwy 1, exit Imjin Pkwy, R on California, R on 9th to park.