All original story content

No copy and paste here . . . We are story generators and many of our stories get shared on national platforms such as Eventing Nation and Horse Network.

Unique and personal stories, businesses, events, clinics products, etc.

You have stories to tell and we provide a place for you to tell them. SLO Horse News wants to share your experiences and events with the community. Please contact us about writing for SLO Horse News or submitting info for an upcoming horse event here: info@slohorsenews.net

A place for your message – advertise your businesses, events and products

Reach your local horse community – and beyond – right where they ride, buy and live. There are several touch points withing the herd: Website advertising, Social Media and Newsletter. All touch points work together to get your messaging and marketing right to the active equestrians in SLO County – and beyond. All ad packages include a “Spotlight Story” which is your opportunity to tell the SLO Horse News herd about your business. Come ride along as we share you and your story with the people who keep you going.

Please click here for more information about advertising: Marketing and Messaging with SLO Horse News 

When communicating with us please don’t forget to include your name, the name of your business and contact information.

Who’s riding along with us?

Readership stats as of September 2023

7,000 active horseback riders view SLO Horse News every month. 2/3 of these riders reside in SLO County:

  • 2235 E-mail Subscribers with a 36% open rate
  • 2.7 K Facebook Followers
  • 1,500 Combined Twitter and Instagram Followers
  • 164K Average monthly Pinterest views
  • 7,000 average monthly slohorsenews.net site views
  • About 1750 average weekly site views
  • Close to 250 average daily site views