Versatility Ranch Horse Benefit Show: Back to the Cowboy Roots

No fancy saddle with silver or flashy horse with sizzle is required. Versatility Ranch Horse shows reward effective riding and an obedient horse – two things taking western riding back to its cowboy roots. The Central Coast of California Arabian Horse Association is organizing a Versatility Ranch Horse Show to benefit Little Riders Therapeutic Riding Program on April 20, 2024 at 6M Ranch in Nipomo.

*** Update: NEW DATE ***

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Watch, Learn or Participate in Versatility Ranch Horse Riding

Coming to watch, learn, or participate in this local horse show benefits all those who love horses and those wanting connection with our local horse community.

This Versatility Ranch Horse show will display some of the most popular western show classes for western riding currently. These classes offer riders and horses a way to succeed without the typical silver adorned fancy saddles or clothing.

Versatility Ranch Horse competitions represent a return to the roots of the working cowboy and cowgirl. Success depends simply on effective riding partnered with a horse who gets the job done.

As its name suggests, Versatility Ranch Horse traditional competitions reward a well-rounded horse and rider, who compete in five classes: Ranch Riding, Ranch Trail, Ranch Cutting, Working Ranch Horse, and Ranch Conformation. Points and placing are earned in each event, and the horse and rider team with the highest cumulative points wins.

In order to draw in a variety of entrants, the divisions and classes offered at this local Versatility Ranch Horse competition are adapted versions of the traditional competitions.

Versatility Ranch Horse Show Benefits Little Riders Therapeutic Riding Program

This show is purposed to give back to our local riding community supporting children with special needs. Show proceeds will be donated to Jack’s Helping Hand, specifically benefitting its Therapeutic Riding program at the recently completed facility just down the road from 6M Ranch. The Little Riders riding program offers weekly lessons to local special needs children. Participants receive a one-year scholarship for the riding lessons which help build the rider’s confidence, coordination, and social skills while exercising outdoors with horses

This Versatility Ranch Horse competition is a wonderful way to showcase and see horses and riders display their ranch riding skills. In addition, members of the Little Riders Therapeutic riding program will share with the local horse show community and neighbors the benefits that therapeutic riding programs bring to the community. Horse show attendees will be able to connect with riders’ families, volunteers and with the special equines enjoying their second career.

An Event for All Horse Enthusiasts

This Versatility Ranch Horse show can be a great warm-up to the show season. It also provides a low-key way to try something new while benefitting therapeutic riding. Not able to ride? Any interested person can come watch and learn about Versatility Ranch Horse shows.

The CCCAHA Board of Directors offers this horse show as a way to include a group of riders and styles of classes that are not typically included within their other more traditional annual show series. At the same time, they purpose to give back and support another aspect of the local riding community: The Imagination Park Equine Center and the therapeutic riding program, Little Riders.

Versatility Ranch Horse Show Details

Date: April 20, 2024 – Show starts at 8:00 am

Location: 6M Ranch – 1555 Illinois Way, Nipomo CA 93444

Five Award Divisions based on age/skill:

  • Walk Trot
  • 17 & Under,
  • Adult Amateur 18 & Over
  • Vintage Rider (50 years and over)
  • Open

Four Classes make up one division: Ranch Riding, Ranch Pleasure (Rail), Ranch Conformation, and Ranch Trail classes

  • Ranch Riding:  A pattern class of all gaits and usually trot or lope over logs.
  • Ranch Pleasure (Rail):  All gaits are judged. Walk, trot, lope, stop and back up.
  • Ranch Conformation: In Hand Halter Class. Horses are judged on their conformation.
  • Ranch Trail: 10 obstacles executed at all gaits in a pattern. There is a roping obstacle and a drag of an obstacle.

Ribbons presented to 3rd place.

For a fun, new, twist a Pairs Class is offered and silver Buckle Cups will be awarded. Ranch Ribbon Pairs Class: All gaits are judged. You ride with a partner and are judged together on how well your horses stay in sync. It’s a fun class at the end of the day.

Exhibitors appreciate CCCAHA for its prized ribbons and beautiful awards. This show will not disappoint there! Cowboys and Cowgirls, come show with us! You will see what fun can be had without the silver and sizzle of a specialized western horse show.

Click the button bars below for the class list and entry form.

Cover photo: Lindamae Suprinski

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