People – What We Do

Human and Horse Fire Victims Helped by Local Horse Community


“What transpired was in short simply AMAZING!” exclaimed Jenn. “People reached out offering to drive with me. Community members from all over the county called the store, messaged me on Facebook and Instagram asking what supplies were needed.” Jennifer Foss tells the story of gathering and delivering supplies for horse and human fire victims of the Palisades fire.

Riding in the Rose Parade: “Best Day Ever” for SLO County Residents


One does not just enter the Rose Parade – It’s the pinnacle of parades. There is work, practice, preparation and honor involved. Participants experience television stations broadcasting the event while stands of spectators start the parade route, followed by curb crowds all along the five-and-a-half-mile parade route. Two local riders join the International Adalusian and Lusitano Horse Association entry in the 2025 Tournament of Roses Parade.

UNBRANDED : A Movie Review | SLO Horse News

UNBRANDED : A Movie Review


Unbranded the film, will help you appreciated the hardiness of the “home grown” breed known as the Mustang. Ride along with four cowboys and 16 wild mustang mounts as they make a 3,000 mile trek up the western side of the middle of the US – starting in Mexico and ending in Canada. Sharon Jantzen provides a thoughtful movie review of Unbranded.

Why Raking Up Horse Poop is Therapeutic | SLO Horse News

Why Raking Up Horse Poop is Therapeutic


Tasks, hobbies and programs that relieve tension are therapeutic to our mental and physical health. Raking up horse poop fits the description of a therapy. Sharon Jantzen shares why taking manure fork in hand and cleaning up after your horse is very therapeutic.

Healthy, Happy Horses Home at Varian Equestrian Center


“The personal reassurance I have been given been amazing,” says Cassie Mailheau. “Sophie Arkell, Chloe Hardesty and Maddie Bisson are all very active in assisting Kristy with the horse care while Sophie is also learning of the details associated in operating the Arkell family’s new sanctuary for horses. Together they all bring loving and personal attention to each horse that is in their care.”