When I Really Learned to Pick a Horse Hoof, Properly

Through this process and getting input from others I learned something new about how to pick UP a horse hoof so it can be picked out. It has to do with getting the horse to lift its foot in an easy manner. Looking back on my horse hoof picking experiences I realize there can be quite a struggle with getting the horse to pick up its hoof so you can properly pick the horse hoof. Sharon Jantzen shares her recent journey of discovering how to pick a horse hoof, properly.

Compassionate Large Animal Carcass Removal Service in SLO County | SLO Horse News

Compassionate Large Animal Carcass Removal Service in SLO County

“It’s part of the game,” says Errick. “A horse owner will someday face the end – whether a horse is young, old, injured or even sound.” Most horse owners have made their decision of where the large animal carcass should go, before Errick arrives. Here in SLO County large animal disposal options are limited to basically three: burial on property, cremation or landfill. Sharon Jantzen provides the details for this special local large animal carcass removal service.

River Road Horse Camp Now Accepting Happy Campers

The River Road Horse Camp, at Santa Margarita Lake, was excitingly experiencing its debut and its first overnight tenants were enjoying the fruits of their labor. I took a moment to reflect that this fresh scene has actually been years in the making. Sharon Jantzen joins the Grand Opening party for River Road Horse Camp.

The Horses Own A Forever Home: Redwings Horse Sanctuary Moves

Being a part of a horse community in SLO County provides Redwings with easier access to veterinary care, farrier services, feed and tack stores, community specialists, treasured volunteers and more. “Our goal was always to land in San Luis Obispo County,” says Sara. Sharon Jantzen catches up with Sara Ruggerone regarding the upcoming Redwings Horse Sanctuary move to SLO County.