Check Out Sideline’s New Look in Print!


sidelines june

The June issue, the first under the direction of the new Sideline’s Editor, Jan Westmark-Allan, remains the “People” magazine of the horse world, For Horse PeopleAbout Horse People but sports a fresh look and new format.


  • Side Item, asking equestrians the important questions and the more insightful questions like “What are the top five songs on your iPod?” or “What reality show would you like to star in?”
  • West Side Story penned by Holly Hugo-Vidal, about the horse people on the west coast
  • Equestrian Heartthrobs by Marissa Quigley with photos of, well, heartthrobs!
  • Meet the Photographer is a little about the photographers in the horse world and some of their best shots.
  • Juniorside, My Line, Pony Kids, Second Chances, Needy Nags, Mutt of the Month and much, much more!


Check Out Sidelines New Look on the Web!

  • Blogs: Lauren Gallops, In the Irons, Tucker the Wunderkind, Pony Up! Higher Education, An American In Germany…
  • Facebook: Contests, Photo of the Day, Dana’s Doodles, Latest News…a reason to “Like” us every day!


What Do You Need To Do? Join us at and Pony Up for a print or on-line subscription! 





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