Just a reminder that our general membership meeting is Feb. 2, 2013
Where: Woods Humane Society, 875 Oklahoma, SLO
When: Feb. 2
Time: 9:00 am
This will be our table top session. We will be putting on a drill, so we need to have everyone come. Radio people, please bring your radio’s. Trailer people or teams, DON’T bring your trailers but we will be moving toy animals in the drill. Need our shelter people to be there to handle incoming animals.
This will be a ROLL PLAYING DRILL, if you are new and don’t know what kind of job you want to do, this is the time to see what the different jobs are.
Please wear your uniforms we will be doing this like you are on an actual incident.
After drill we will debrief and critic the drill.
Don’t miss this session, it is going to be lots of fun.
Any questions, please contact me either by email feinberg.greg@gmail.com or call 805-458-2879.
Thanks and see ya there,
Greg Feinberg
PLEASE remember Woods Wish List:
Thanks so much for wanting to support the work of Woods!
If you have questions about items that do not appear on the list please give us a call at 543-9316 x 10, 14 or 17.
Cleaning Supplies:
- Bleach
- Dish Soap
- Paper Towels
- Sponges
- Toilet Paper
Office Supplies:
- White Copy Paper
- Tape
- File Folders
- 1″, 2″, or 3″ Binders
- Staplers
- Scissors
- Dry erase markers and white board erasers
- Wet erase markers and white board cleaner
Animal Care Supplies:
- Blankets (no comforters, please)
- Hill’s Science Diet Canned Dog and Cat Food
- Cat Treats and Toys
- Dog Treats and Toys – especially rubber chew toys
- Old Stuffed Animals
- Sheets
- Towels
- Dust-free cat litter–pine pellets or paper pellets (like Yesterday’s News)
*No dry dog or cat food please, Hill’s Science Diet donates dry food for our animals.