Full Moon Ride & Camp Out

The Black Bear Riders would like to invite you to join us on Friday July 15, 16 & 17 at the Black Bear Horse Camp at Lopez Lake.

Arrive Friday, spend two nights for the price of $30 which includes a BBQ/PotLuck on Saturday night.

This is an opportunity for you to ride the Full Moon Ride then get cozy in your sleeping bag instead of driving home.

The Black Bear Riders will be providing the BBQ on Saturday night, with all participants bringing something for PotLuck. Bring something simple.

Friday, July 15 is the Monthly Full Moon Ride.  This month’s ride will be led by Black Bear Rider Dixie McKannay riding Hawk.  Dixie and Hawk will be excellent leaders as they know the trail well.  Also,this is the time of year the Algae is blooming at Lopez Lake and in the moonlight it often is florescent.  Also, keep your eyes searching for the GlowBugs along the trail as this is the time of year the males are all aglow.

The price of $30 includes one corral, a BBQ and two nights of camping.

If you are interested in joining us for this Full Moon Weekend call Jeannie and make a reservation.

Jeannie Keeffe  (805) 481-1665   or   jeanniekeeffe@mac.com


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