Trail Work at Santa Margarita Lake

Trail Work at Santa Margarita Lake (backside – River Road Entrance) – Saturday, April 23

Kathy Redden is organizing this quick trail work session and would appreciate everyone who can help out.

One crew will do tread work on the section of single track before the creek crossing.  All others will ride out to horse camp and tie up.  This second crew will focus on brush trimming from the road to horse camp, and from horse camp towards boy scout camp.

For those who do brush trimming:  It’s important to cut back to the original trail.  All brush should be tucked under brush or in open spaces — don’t throw it over the top of the brush as it looks awful when it dies.

The crew that does tread work:  You won’t need horses to work on the tread, but you’re welcome to bring them and ride out to help do trim (or just to have fun) if we get done with the tread work before the brushing crew comes back.

Actual work will be two hours maximum.  We will have bbq hot dogs and some sort of salad back in the parking lot.  If you want to bring a potluck item, that would be great.

Please be ready to ride/walk out at 10am.

Trail tools and loppers will be provided.

Bring water and hand clippers, and wear long sleeves.

Please call to RSVP.

Thank you!

Kathy Redden


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