Horses Lead us to Forever Friendships | SLO Horse News

Horses Lead us to Forever Friendships

Those of us who know horses find camaraderie among our fellow horse enthusiasts. How many of us can point to a time (or times) when our horse was the reason for a lasting human friendship? Sharon Jantzen tells the story of how a horse carriage ride sparked a forever friendship.

Riding Through Fields of Gold on the Pismo Preserve | SLO Horse News

Riding Through Fields of Gold on the Pismo Preserve

Springtime presents the yellow mustard weed in full-bloom and the bobbing flower heads frame the ocean views on the lower hills of the Pismo Preserve. Sharon Jantzen enjoyed a glorious day riding the Pismo Preserve on a recent Discovery Day. Riding through fields of gold created a lasting memory and she shares pictures of the day and tells us how we can enjoy the wildflower display ourselves.