Riding Through Fields of Gold on the Pismo Preserve | SLO Horse News

Riding Through Fields of Gold on the Pismo Preserve

The subtle, sweet and spicy smell of the wild mustard flows through your nostrils as you ride through the fields of gold mustard on the Pismo Preserve. Springtime presents the yellow mustard weed in full-bloom and the bobbing flower heads frame the ocean views on the lower hills of the Pismo Preserve. You can enjoy the wild mustard late winter and into spring and find it four to six feet tall on the lower hillsides.

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Riding Through Fields of Gold on the Pismo Preserve | SLO Horse News

Fields of Gold

Legend has it that Junipero Serra scattered mustard seeds as he trod the path to developing the early California Missions while the Revolutionary War was transpiring on the East Coast. The seeds he cast apparently came from Europe. Historians speculate that he wished to mark his path for the return journey.

Riding Through Fields of Gold on the Pismo Preserve | SLO Horse News

No matter how the wild mustard arrived here, it blossoms and flourishes on our coastal hillsides. The yellow carpet combined with the green stalk contrasts beautifully against a clear blue sky and an azure ocean. A clear sunny day brings out the vibrant colors and leaves you with a lasting memory.

Abundance of Wildflowers

Riding Through Fields of Gold on the Pismo Preserve | SLO Horse News

Wild mustard may be the star of the spring Pismo Preserve wildflower show, but there are other lovely wild flowers to enjoy along the riding trails too. Purple Bush Lupine, a member of the pea family, provides a lovely contrasting purple to the yellow mustard carpet.

Riding Through Fields of Gold on the Pismo Preserve | SLO Horse News

California Poppies lie a little lower than the grass here, but the patches of burning gold can’t be missed. Purple Bush Lupines clustered with the poppies make for one superb display.

Riding Through Fields of Gold on the Pismo Preserve | SLO Horse News

Indian Paintbrush dabs a magenta color to the trail-side palette.

Riding Through Fields of Gold on the Pismo Preserve | SLO Horse News

White dots of wild morning glory flowers poke their heads up between the Bush Lupine like the first stars in a twilight sky.  Looking beyond the flora the coastal view beckons the eye to the horizon.

Riding Through Fields of Gold on the Pismo Preserve

Riding Through Fields of Gold on the Pismo Preserve | SLO Horse News

Such a great day riding on the Pismo Preserve leaves one with the chorus of the song, “Oh What a Beautiful Morning” from the musical “Oklahoma” running through one’s head:

Oh what a beautiful morning,
Oh what a beautiful day,
I’ve got a wonderful feeling,
Everything’s going my way.

Riding the Pismo Preserve

Riding Through Fields of Gold on the Pismo Preserve | SLO Horse News

The Pismo Preserve is open to riders, hikers and bikers. Equestrians need to make a parking reservation in advance of riding the Pismo Preserve.

Riding Through Fields of Gold on the Pismo Preserve | SLO Horse News

There are many SLO County trails to catch the spring season wildflower show check out Montana de Oro, Santa Margarita, and Lopez Lake.

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Please note: Spring and Summer is rattlesnake season and these creatures do roam the hillsides on the Pismo Preserve. You may want to carry a snake bite kit, just incase . . .

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Photo Credit: Sharon Jantzen

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