Trail work — maintenance and creation — is tough. It takes a lot of people to be willing to do the work to get trails put in and maintained. With the current economic downturn, all of us who ride trails need to step up and pitch in. It sends a message to park managers that we – the equestrian community – are committed to our local trail system. It also says that we are committed to working with other multi-use trail users such as hikers and mountain bikers. So in the spirit of community involvement, here are trail workdays sponsored by the Central Coast Concerned Mountain Bikers. Just bring yourself and water. Wear long sleeves, long pants, sturdy boots, and a hat.
Trailwerks Event at Froom Ranch (SLO): November 12, 8:00am. Meet at Laguna Lake Park
Fernandez Trail (Black Mountain): November 19, 9:00am. Meet at Turkey Flats
Montana de Oro: December 3, 9:00am. Meet at Hazard Peak Trailhead parking area
Santa Margarita Lake: December 11, 8:30am. Meet at White Oak Picnic Area at main entrance
Montana de Oro: February 5, 8:00am Super Bowl Sunday. Meet at Park Headquarters above Spooner’s Cove
Participate in just one trail work day a year. It makes a difference!