First-Ever Huasna Endurance Ride Coming Up | SLO Horse News

First-Ever Huasna Endurance Ride Coming Up

We look forward to seeing you at the first-ever Huasna Endurance Ride, April 9 & 10, 2022 at the Huasna Land and Cattle Company Ranch, near Arroyo Grande, California. There will be a 9-10 mile introductory ride on both days and a 25 & 50 mile endurance ride both Saturday and Sunday. American Endurance Ride Conference rules apply to all rides. Friday April 8, 2022 camp is open with the Vet in the afternoon and Ride Meeting in evening.

Come ride along with me! Get your riding the SLO County Trails Hotsheet to get started and join the SLO Horse News Herd!

Huasna Endurance Ride Fundraiser

The Huasna Endurance Ride is a fundraiser for trails in and around San Luis Obispo County; please make checks out to SLOPOST (San Luis Obispo Open Space, Parks and Trails).

Costs for all rides, if pre-entered, are $130 for one day and $230 for two days for adults. Juniors (16 & under) costs are $110 for one day and $190 for two days. Pre-entries must be received by February 10, 2022. After February 10, 2022 ride costs increase by $20/ride day. Cancellations by April 5, 2022 receive a full refund; 50% refund after April 5, 2022. No show, no refund. All participants must sign a release form.

Ride on a Working Cattle Ranch

This working cattle ranch originates as a Spanish Land Grant and remains much as it has always been; oak-grass woodlands and chaparral covered mountains. The ride will take place mainly on dirt ranch and County roads. Horse water sources are shared water troughs with cattle and wildlife. The ride crosses through areas where cattle are grazing and wildlife could be encountered. Huasna Land and Cattle Company Ranch is very generous to let us do this ride; please respect the ranch lands and cattle. Please leave gates as found, keep the ranch clean, pick up any litter you see, scatter your manure and excess hay, and pack out all trash.

Kathleen Phelps, the ride manager, gets us excited about riding at this location, “The terrain and the views are spectacular on this 30,000 acre historic ranch. Each loop will take you far into oak savanna that looks like it did in the days of the Spanish rancheros. Come be an inaugural rider on the 25, 50 mile or 8 mile Introductory Huasna Endurance Ride!”

Huasna Endurance Ride is Part of the Central Coast Triple Crown

Additional Information

There can be NO smoking or fires on the ranch, and NO loose dogs.

Camping: You can camp at Hathaway Corrals Friday-Monday morning. This is an open field with no shade, there is one water trough at the corral. Bring your own water and food for both you and your horse. There can be no smoking or fires on the ranch, and no loose dogs. If you can’t follow these rules, you will be asked to leave with no refund.

Huasna Endurance Ride Entry Form

Pre-Entries: (Click the download button above) The pre-entry fees for all rides will be:

  • $130/one day or $230/two days for the 25 or 50 mile endurance ride,
  • $110/one day or 190/two days for Juniors,

Pre-entries must be received by February 10, 2022. After that date add $20/ ride day to entry fee. Cancellations after April 5, 2022 receive a 50% refund. All participants must sign a release form. Please make checks payable to SLOPOST. Please return entry (Click the download button above) and check to:

Huasna Ride, c/o Kathleen Phelps,

555 Saint Remy Place

Arroyo Grande, CA 93420.

For information, contact Ride Manager Kathleen Phelps at or (805) 481-1782

Get Going! Explore the wonder and beauty of the SLO County trails from the best place on earth, the back of a horse. To keep this info at your fingertips we have developed a FREE Hot Sheet that will direct you to a few trail ride stories. We’ll continue to add trail ride stories to our website. You can stay up-to-date by becoming a SLO Horse News herd member. Get your Riding the SLO County Trails Hot Sheet here >.

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