Carriage Capers

A Horse Carriage Ride Impacts Lives | SLO Horse News

A Horse Carriage Ride Impacts Lives


“A glimmer of appreciation shone on each young face as Shasta took us for a short ride. The two guardians followed along waving and talking with the four children. Upon our return the woman asked how much she owed us.” Sharon Jantzen shares her experience where a carriage ride impacted some young lives.

Remembering a Time When the Art of Horsemanship Was Not in Peril | SLO Horse News

Remembering a Time When the Art of Horsemanship Was Not in Peril


The art of horsemanship is in peril. This was not the case even less than 100 years ago where horses intersecting human lives was more commonplace. Here are two stories of women who resonated with getting reconnected with horses. These stories take place while driving a horse carriage in San Luis Obispo. Sharon Jantzen reflects back on these special moments.

First Impressions of Horses or Humans, Can We Trust Them? | SLO Horse News

First Impressions of Horses or Humans, Can We Trust Them?


How often though are first impressions actually wrong? When I look back at my interactions with humans I can say usually my first impression has been mostly correct. I can also honestly say each pet I’ve had the pleasure to own drew me at first sight. However, here’s a story from Sharon Jantzen’s Carriage driving days where her first impression was drastically wrong, and it made a profound impression.