I was introduced to Annie Spurr as a “local superstar” a few years back when I interviewed her for a product I was working with. Although she’s still pretty young, Annie Spurr is quite well known in the SLO horse world and has had a nice career so far with horses. I sent her a few questions so we all can get to know her a little bit better…
Let’s get the basics out of the way, tell us a little about yourself – Who are you? What part of SLO County do you live in? What do you do for a living? Etc.
Well, My name is Annie Spurr, I am 22 years old and was born in Templeton and have grown up in SLO county my whole life. I lived in Paso Robles til I was around 11 years old, then my family and I moved to Shandon where I currently live.
I am the youngest of 5 kids and the only one who took up the horse thing! My siblings grew up racing sprint cars and motorcycles and I chose the horse. Been on one my whole life and wouldn’t trade it for the world!
I am a current Cal Poly student, and hoping to be done by next spring. I am majoring in Animal Science with the interest of going on to get my masters.
I currently work for a small animal vet Dr. Hollstein at the Veterinary Medical Center in Atascadero. He is a great teacher and I am able to learn so much from him and the other veterinarians there, Dr. Minor and Dr. Klintworth.
I know I see you at barrel races all the time, do you just barrel race?
No, actually if you said that to me while I was in high school I might have laughed out loud. I thought I would own a group of rope horses and maybe a barrel horse and go here and there. Well, now we know what has won. I would have never imagined my good horse boogie would be such a good boy or that I wouldn’t even own a rope horse til 3 years after high school.
But I do team rope on my horse chex, and I like the rein cowhorse events and have a good broodmare that is throwing some awesome cow horse babies! I actually showed her in high school and went to nationals my sr. year in the cutting.
I am all open to everything! I Jr rodeoed and High school rodeoed all growing up in all the girls events.
Tell us a little about the horses that you ride.
Boogie is my barrel horse, he is 12 years old AQHA gelding and one of the coolest horses ever. I may be a little biased, but I am not lying. I bought him at Rick Machados sale as a 4 year old. He is a crack up! But the cool thing about him is his special feature! He only has one eye. My Sr year of high school, about 4 years ago, he got diagnosed with cancer in his third eyelid called squamous cell carcinoma. We did multiple surgeries, and than had to go up to UC Davis where they did chemo injections. They had to do 2 more surgeries, which nothing worked. He was beginning to be unhappy, and so we had his eye removed, which allowed the vet to get to the root of the cancer which was behind the eye in the bone. He does awesome and I thank God everyday for that horse! He never lets me live a day without a laugh.
There’s also Chex, who is a 7 yr old AQHA gelding, who I just bought last November is my head horse, who I team rope on. He is a great horse with so much talent!! I am sure he will be going around the barrels soon too!
Than I have a handful of up and coming babies that I cant wait for!

What do you want to do ‘when you grow up?’
Well, my whole life I wanted to be a vet, and I am still interested in that path, but I may look into grad school or getting my masters and possibly teaching. I am somewhat exploring my options now, I love people, animals, and sharing a passion, so I am sure I will find something I will love soon!
Where would we be most likely to find you on a random Saturday?
A barrel race, a roping, or at school … I am kind of a nerd. :)
What’s the biggest accomplishment or award that you’ve earned from riding?
Hmmm well I was the 2008 All around Cowgirl for Dist 7 in High School, that meant a lot to me. But also making it to nationals was a huge accomplishment as well.
What’s your biggest fear when it comes to horses and riding?
My biggest fear when it comes to riding and horses is that I never want to hit a point to where I cant do it anymore, its something that means a lot to me and the thought of not being able to do it kills me.
I know I always wonder, are you related to the Spurr Ranch at all?
Ha ha yes I am. That’s my home! I am a Spurr. :) My dad, Dave Spurr, and Missy Tuck, Shelby Tuck , Taylor & Bailey Nahrgang, and I are the ones that put on the barrel races. :)
Where’s your favorite spot to ride in SLO County?
Hmmmm…. I don’t know if I have a favorite…. Depends on the mood, sometimes you like the crowd you get when you are at the local country rodeo at the fair, or your local jackpot, or maybe just up in the hills behind our place to overlook good ol’ Shandon. But the there are those peaceful nights of just loping circles in the arena… I just like to ride…
What’s your favorite piece of tack and why?
I love bits!
I think they are one of the most important pieces of tack, but I think they are the coolest. There are so many different bits, and that can be dangerous, but it is so cool how something so simple can control a huge animal. Depending on what type of riding you do there are certain bits you use for that, English vs. western, cowhorse vs. barrel horse, and so on. You can have pretty, or plain or something in between. You can never have to many.
To close on a serious note, give us your best joke.
Ooo gesh…. this is something I am not good at but I will try!
There are two muffins in an oven, one muffin says to the other “Man its getting hot in here.” The other muffin says “Oh My GOSH! A talking muffin!”
he he he I am bad I know..
Thanks so much Annie for being a part of SLOHN! If you see Annie out at a Spurr Ranch barrel race or around Cal Poly, say ‘hi’, I’m sure she’d love to meet you.