We are living in the digital age, and while the advances in technology have certainly been for the better, there are a few traditional things that are now overlooked. One of these things is the hand-written note. This beautiful form of communication often takes a back seat in today’s social media driven society.
It’s easy to send a text message or write an email, but takes a little more time and effort to actually sit down and “hand write” something on a piece of stationary or in a card, and that is exactly what makes it special. The recipient of a hand-written note knows the extra thought that went into it, and feels a little extra special. There is more of a deep emotional impact associated with this old-world form of communication. A hand-written note isn’t going to get lost in your email folder, instead it will sit on your dresser or on a bookshelf as a little reminder that someone thought about you.
As equestrians, most of us embrace traditions when it comes to our horsemanship skills, family traditions, and lifestyles in general, so we can readily appreciate the tradition of hand-written notes.
Reasons for an Equestrian to write a hand-written note:
1. Your Barn Buddy Who is “On Top of It”
![7 Reasons for Equestrians to Write a Hand-Written Note | SLO Horse News](https://www.slohorsenews.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Wildflower-Ride-Thank-You-Note-shadow-300x239.gif)
We all have that one trusted barn-mate who is willing to be “you” to your horse when you can’t. She is the one “on-it” when you can’t feed that supplement, put on/take off that blanket, or make sure that fly mask is in place. Maybe this person is your go-to when all the horses need to be fed and cared for when you’re on vacation. Let this special person know how much you appreciate her with a hand-written note!
2. Your On-Call Veterinarian
Who drops everything when the call is received that your equine friend is in trouble? Aside from you, that person is your vet. Let your vet know how much you appreciate him or her being there in times of crisis with a hand-written note – your vet takes extra time with your horse, so take a little extra time for your vet.
3. Your Farrier AKA Your “Barn Therapist”
Other than your hairdresser, your farrier is the next closest thing to a therapist that you probably have. He or she is the person who listens to you prattle on about your life while trying to get that shoe tacked on just right. Show your appreciation for all the time that your farrier takes in listening to you and taking care of your horse by showing him a little extra appreciation with a hand-written note.
4. Your Hero
![7 Reasons for Equestrians to Write a Hand-Written Note | SLO Horse News](https://www.slohorsenews.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Horsey-Friends-crop-shadow-300x240.gif)
The sun beats down on his or her head all day as he or she watches you and others ride their horses. This is the person who helps you gain a better connection to your horse and challenges, praises and calms your nerves as you grow as a rider. Your trainer is probably your hero in a lot of ways, so show that person you are willing to take the extra time to celebrate your hero with a little note.
5. The One Who Makes it all Possible
Who helps you with your horse? Who helps to pay the bills? Who sweeps out the barn when you can’t do it, or holds your horse at a horse show? Who helps you get into your show coat before going into a class? We all have a few people who “make it all possible” – a mom, dad, child, best buddy or spouse. Appreciate the efforts of the one who makes all things possible with a hand-written note.
6. The Horse Friend Going Through a Rough Time
We get close to our barn-mates, and that means that we are often there in times of great turmoil or crisis. Does your horse friend have a broken heart? Is he or she going through a relationship struggle or a health challenge? Has someone they really cared about passed away? Brighten this person’s day with a hand-written note to show that you’re always there and willing to go the extra mile.
7. The Far Away Friend
Our SLO County is pretty special, and is often most appreciated by those who are far from their SLO County dreams. Do you have a friend who has left the area, or maybe one who has visited you and loves the area, but doesn’t call it home? Send a slice of SLO County to your far away friend and show her you care!