California FFA Motto

Ag Is Saved! Congratulations California FFA!

June 20, 2014 Governor Brown signed the $108 billion California budget. This budget for the upcoming fiscal year is said to pay down debt, provide additional money for schools and health care, and build a rainy day fund. According to KSBY, the new budget is the highest general spending fund in our state’s history.

Back in May, Brown released that he would not include the grant in the new budget. He claimed that it was a program that could survive on its own through local fundraising. However, among things approved in the 2014-2015 revised and signed budget was the California Ag Incentive Grant!

Agriculture is the backbone of the United States. FFA gives kids the tools to excel in life in and out of the Ag industry. Congratulations California FFA! Members, alumni, and agriculture education advocates have been fighting the #SAVEFFA fight long enough. We are extremely lucky to have an organization with such strong support!

Share this with the hashtag #AgEdisSaved and celebrate this great victory!

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