SLO County Taken by Storm…Literally!
The recent off-season July storm brought fun and frenzy to the SLO County horse community. Follow along as Sharon Jantzen shows us a few of the storm related events throughout the county.
Former Pony Clubber, Eventer and Dressage rider who balanced training and showing with getting a college degree (from Cal Poly SLO), becoming a wife and raising a family. Presently she is making Dressage comeback on her Connemara Pony Whisper as well as dabbling in Mounted Archery on a Rocky Mountain Gaited Horse, Carrera.
The recent off-season July storm brought fun and frenzy to the SLO County horse community. Follow along as Sharon Jantzen shows us a few of the storm related events throughout the county.
Lisa Ankenbrandt is not only the Director of Little Riders, but is also the one teacher. She started with two cancer patients in January of 2014, who wanted to learn to ride. Come along with Sharon Jantzen as she introduces us to Lisa and the Little Riders Therapeutic Riding program.
Whether as a rider or auditor, participating in a clinic is a great way to receive valuable hands-on experience in various styles and levels of horsemanship, which can improve the relationship between you and your horse. Come along and visit the HP Kind clinic with Sharon Jantzen to see how Classical Dressage principals are applied to Cowboy Dressage.
If you’ve owned a horse for long enough, it’s safe to assume that you’ve had your foot stepped on once or twice…or more. Sharon Jantzen shows us how important protective footwear is when working around horses.
Dressage isn’t just for English riders anymore because now there is Cowboy Dressage where bling and color are welcomed. Sharon Jantzen interviews Jill von Ilten about the fun of Cowboy Dressage.