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Playing it Safe as a Pet Care Driver | SLO Horse News

Playing it Safe as a Pet Care Driver


When that sad time comes for you and your animal friends, both small and large, you can feel comfort in knowing that Brandon, and the rest of the Eden Memorial Pet Care staff, truly understand your grief and have nothing more than your comfort on their minds. Sharon Jantzen catches up with Brandon Simmons, Pet Care Driver for Eden Memorial Pet Care, and shares his story and horse connection.

Tales from the Chimineas Ranch: A Book Review


Author Mike Knecht re-creates the life he lived with these real cowboys. Each chapter is a story itself allowing the reader to peruse the book and read what seems interesting. The horse enthusiast will appreciate these cowboys’ fine riding skills. The casual reader will be transported to a different world where hard-work, danger, grit and camaraderie are elements of each story. Sharon Jantzen reviews “Tales from the Chimineas Ranch”.