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Equine Alliance Youth Foundation Showcases Healing Horses and Kids

Fresh wood chips covered the flower beds that lined the driveway, the corrals were all raked clean of manure, each horse had his or her story posted at the gate of each corral, the grounds were immaculate, people were setting up the various stations: a raffle, used tack for sale, new tack for sale and the Chuck-wagon chili . . . all to showcase the activity that goes on at Equine Alliance Youth Foundation during their Open House on August 16, 2014.

 Raffle set up.
Raffle set up.
Used boots, bridles and other items for sale.
Used boots, bridles and other items for sale.
New tack for sale
New tack for sale

Let’s Take a Picture Tour of the Day . . .

Lori Harmon, Executive Director of Equine Alliance Youth Foundation located in Paso Robles, pours her heart and soul into the kids, horses, people and facility. Here she is with a special group taking them on a personal tour of the grounds and meeting the horses and some of the kids during the Open House.

Lori Harmon, far right, taking a special group of guests on a personal tour of the facility.
Lori Harmon, far right, taking a special group of guests on a personal tour of the facility.

Guests trickled in all day, even in the heat. Lori was always on hand to give personal tours.

Guests trickled in all day.
Guests trickled in all day.

Luv Me Tender Farm  brought two of their Mini-Donkeys which are for sale, and talked about their Donkey rescue. The Mini-Donkeys delighted guests with their adorable faces and long ears.

The Mini-donkeys - So cute!
The Mini-donkeys – So cute!

7th Day band played live music with several sets of some covers and original music.

7th Day band provided live music.
7th Day band provided live music.

Some of the horses are for sale.

Two Arabian horses for sale.
Two Arabian horses for sale.

Guests participated in a raffle for horse-related items and shopped for new and used tack.

Guests fill out raffle tickets for horse related items.
Guests fill out raffle tickets for horse related items.


Guests shop for new tack
Guests shop for new tack

Meet Some of the Horses and Kids That Need Your Help and Support:

“Jazz” came to the program from a caring owner who could not handle him at home. Jazz needed to learn manners and boundaries. He remains at the Equine Alliance Youth Foundation sponsored by his owner who comes to see him and enjoy him here. Cheyenne has been one of his primary handlers and she has learned about patience and love as she works with Jazz.

Cheyenne doing a horse demonstration with Jazz.
Cheyenne doing a horse demonstration with Jazz.


Jazz gets all jazzed up with paint!
Jazz gets all jazzed up with paint!

“Mr. Slippers” a mini-horse came to the program in a state of neglect. His hooves were so long they matched a man’s foot and he couldn’t walk. He also had a sinus infection that had gone untreated. Mr. Slippers was brought back to health and Kyle enjoys showing him off and taking care of him. Mr. Slippers is very happy to meet new people and kids; especially the small kids who find him very approachable.

Kyle and his friend, Mr. Slippers.
Kyle and his friend, Mr. Slippers.

“Johnny D” was discovered by a friend who found him in a tiny stall, thin with poor muscle tone and overgrown hooves. He was brought to the ranch and here found his place. He is a very sensitive guy and has helped numerous kids and adults overcome fear and tap into their own strengths. Johnny D has spent most of his life as a service horse and will be retiring soon with his forever family.

Johnny D is the picture of health now.
Johnny D is the picture of health now.
Curious Johnny D.
Curious Johnny D.

If you missed this great day and Open House you can always get your own personal tour and meet the horses for sale by contacting Lori at Equine Alliance Youth Foundation: 805 835 5104. You can make a donation to support the horses and kids here, now.


Photo credits: Sharon Jantzen



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