Fires to the north, and fires to the south, plus one in our own community roared through our state leaving a path of devastation and heroic effort stories regarding both humans and horses. Yes, horse ownership comes with countless amazing benefits, but it also comes with the very real possibility of emergencies of all types. How prepared are you to face an equine emergency with a clear head and a good plan? Would you like to know more about how to be better equipped if disaster strikes?
The horse community in Santa Ynez is gathering friends to get an Equine Evacuation Group organized for the Santa Ynez Valley. To kick off the idea, an Equine Emergency Preparedness Expo is taking place.
With the recent reports of how our equine community friends fared in both Northern and Southern California fires, we realize the need to prepare and take care of our local horses. It could be our turn next. Preparedness is everything in a disaster where it’s a matter of life and death. Prepare yourself and be available to help others by attending the first annual,
Equine Emergency Preparedness Expo
When: January 20, 2018, Starting at 9:00 am
Where: The Santa Ynez Valley Equestrian Association Party Barn,
195 N Refugio Rd, Santa Ynez, California 93460
The location for this event was gratefully donated by the Santa Ynez Valley Equestrian Association
Food: Serving donuts and coffee in the morning and we’re looking for a vendor for lunch.
Cost: FREE
Join us as we’re bringing together experienced emergency personnel teams, just for you:
- Santa Barbara Equine Evacuation and Assistance Team, Inc.
- HEET – Horse Emergency Evacuation Team of San Luis Obispo County
- Veterinarians
- And speakers for emergency preparedness, and communication
Learn from these valuable and trained personal as together we can help prepare you, your horse, your home and barn for any emergency.
In addition, the Santa Barbara County Fire Department is having a CERT EXPRESS class in the afternoon 2:00 to 4:00.
Do you want to be a part of making a safer community? For many, the thought of taking a multi-week, 24-hr course doesn’t fit into a busy schedule. To meet the need for those who want to learn, but don’t have the time, we have created CERT Express.
This two-hour class touches on the very basics of the FEMA-based CERT class as well as a few other emergency situations. Learn how to handle a fire extinguisher, locate your utilities, have a fire safety plan, basic first-aid, home/work safety tips, urban-search and rescue, basic triage, active shooter survival, and how to prepare for natural disasters.
CERT Express has proven wildly popular with local businesses, mobile home parks, and HOA’s. You won’t receive the FEMA CERT certificate, but you will learn how to stay calm, think clearly, and act decisively in an emergency.
The 2018 Equine Emergency Preparedness Expo is brought to you by HEET (Horse Emergency Evacuation Team of San Luis Obispo), Santa Barbara Equine Assistance and Evacuation Team (Equine Evac) and Santa Ynez Valley Riders.