ThanksToSLO Main Image of Mountains

Giving Thanks To SLO

What are you most thankful for? When was the last time you thanked those people,  places, or things? These are questions that I’ve been thinking about this morning after seeing the #ThanksToSLO campaign from the Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo. As they say,

The Holidays are a time for giving and giving thanks. Join with thousands of others to show your thanks to the heart & soil of the county we love the most.

The #ThanksToSLO campaign revolves around the simple fact that we all love the place we live (SLO County) but rarely ever think about it in terms of saying thank you to this wonderful place. The Land Conservancy has given us the opportunity to do just that. Visit the website and type a ‘Dear SLO’ message of thanks and include your name and where you’re from, and The Land Conservancy will take your message and apply it over an image of the beautiful scenery from around the county.

ThanksToSLO Message from Nikki E of Paso Robles

ThanksToSLO Message from Jake F of Paso Robles

After you submit your message, scroll down and you’ll be able to see messages from other people and connect with them on a level of gratitude. There are also opportunities to find out more about the Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo, the great work that they do, along with some of their most recent projects.

So just who is LCSLO?

Remember the Pismo Preserve? They’re the amazing organization behind the purchase of the property. Their mission statement provides a pretty clear picture of what they stand for:

Through voluntary and collaborative measures, The Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County works to permanently protect and enhance lands having important scenic, agricultural, habitat and cultural values for the benefit of people and wildlife.

They do this through three tactical areas:

  • Conserve: Land acquisition, easements, planning & studies
  • Care: Restoration, stewardship, monitoring
  • Connect: Community education, events, volunteering

ThanksToSLO Message from Tarrah G of Los Osos

ThanksToSLO Message from Kathy F of Pismo Beach

So what are you waiting for? Visit and share your message – give back to the land that’s given us all so much.

Visit now.

After you’re done, be sure to share the campaign on social media with the hashtag #ThanksToSLO so we can all be in this together.


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