Horses – Breeds and Individuals

The Arabian Horse Story Collection | SLO Horse News

The Arabian Horse Story Collection


Whether you are an Arabian horse fan or just familiar with the breed, these stories will surely fan the Arabian horse flame in you. Enjoy our story compilation: The Arabian Horse Story Collection. All stories are written by our in-house Arabian horse fan, Sarah Williams.

Mares Over Geldings - Are Mares Really the Best? | SLO Horse News

Mares Over Geldings – Are Mares Really the Best?


I told everyone I know, “It’s a gelding for me this time around”. Still, when I laid my eyes on a little Dun Half Arabian Mare, that was it – it was over. She was mine, and there was nothing I could do about it. Sarah Williams highlights how she appreciates her riding partnership with a mare.

The Arabian Horse Could be Your Perfect Partner | SLO Horse News

The Arabian Horse Could be Your Perfect Partner


Unfortunately, it seems that many people have also latched on to certain myths that keep the Arabian Horse out of the running for “Perfect Partner”. As someone who has seen thousands of Arabians in hundreds of different situations, Sarah Williams feels it’s time to say, “Move Over Myths, the Arabian Horse Could be Your Perfect Partner”.

Understanding Four Basic Horse Natures


How can we be our horse’s leader? The first step is to understand general equine nature, and the second step is to understand our own horse’s individual nature. Sharon Jantzen gives us real-riding examples of dealing with four different horse natures.