Horses – Breeds and Individuals

Midnight Soldier – A Triumphant Return


The world is filled with horses that have either been abandoned, mistreated or simply thrown away after their “usefulness” has run out. Speak with anyone who has adopted a rescue horse and you’ll likely hear a story that is as uplifting as it is heart wrenching. Sarah Williams meets up with an owner of a rescue horse who realized she was the one needed rescuing too.

The Essence of A Horse


It’s something inexplicable…that almost surreal moment when you first look into the eyes of a horse that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt will be your best friend. Grasping the essence of a horse upon first view is like love at first sight; it’s rare, but it does happen. It happened to me. Sharon Jantzen pays tribute to her horse who impacted her life with kindness and sensitivity.

Cal Poly’s Real, Live, Mustang Mascot


You may have heard the buzz surrounding the recent addition of a real, live, Mustang Mascot appearing at Football games and other public events. Well Elizabeth Hay met this extraordinary fellow, up-close and personal. Come along with us as she introduces us to him.

Communicating with the Arabian Horse


All horses have unique personalities that we enjoy learning to understand. The Arabian breed requires a rider with a certain mind-set to really appreciate these fine creatures. Sarah Williams shares her experience with us regarding communicating with the Arabian horse.

The Gypsy Vanner – A Colorful History


There are many rare breeds of horse in the world, but few hold as much mystique as the Gypsy Vanner. Sarah Williams interviews a local youth rider who owns a Gypsy Vanner. She has been captivated by the mystic and history of this unique breed; you will too!