Gym Closed? Horse Riders Head Out to the Barn for a Barn Workout | SLO Horse News

Gym Closed? Horse Riders Head to the Barn for a Barn Workout

Make no mistake about it, horse chores keep us in shape. That’s why when the gym closes, horse riders can still enjoy a barn workout. Whether it be shoveling the horse poop, hauling the manure bucket or wheelbarrow, grooming our hairy horses or simply lifting a hefty western saddle, barn activities keep us in shape.

Additionally, lifting hay bales, feed bags and trailer ramps keeps our arms and core strong. Most riding activities result in strengthening our core while giving us a cardio workout. Riders get in their daily walk workout going to and from the ring or pen. Working with horses also makes riders mentally strong. Communicating and working with a flight or fight animal takes tact and emotional health.

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When the Gym Closes, Horse Riders Enjoy a Barn Workout

Yet, there are benefits from working out at the gym, like yoga, weights, and Pilates, that enable us to enjoy our saddle time even more. However, when the gym closes, horse riders can head to the barn and set up a barn workout. The barn is where Leah Lane, creator of I Rock N Ride, gets her rejuvenation, especially as life closes down. Leah says, “The election and Covid, is making everyone crazy. So, any outdoor time, away from online and sitting (which is killing my back) is my happy place. I especially relish time with my horses, who won’t give me Covid or declare their political opinion. Plus, I can be mask free on a trail ride or a lesson!”

Bring Your Workout to The Barn

Leah tells us of her friend, Becca of Mora Performance Horses in San Miguel, who brought her workout to the barn and shares it with others. “Becca has a full plate,” begins Leah. “She is a full-time mom, is involved with her husband’s training business and is a sales rep. She literally has to schedule her workout time!” Becca enjoys working out to music and uses her I Rock N Ride speaker unit to deliver music motivation while doing her barn workout. She even pulls clients in to do the barn workout with her!

Does this motivate you? Perhaps you just need some help with a rider specific workout you can do at the barn. For barn workout exercises check out this story: Get Fit 5 Minute Barn Workout.

Incorporate BPM into Your Barn Workout and Riding Work

Music can be great motivation for people and animals. Finding the right music to workout to could push you even further. Riding is a rhythmic activity that could be bolstered with the addition of music, especially music which matches the horse’s hoof beats. Here is where the music BPM (Beats Per Minute) comes in. Matching the music to your workout BPM or your horse’s gait BPM can be a difference maker.

There are many workout platforms that use music as the motivation, Jazzercise and Rumba are two examples. For riders, rhythm is a natural part of the riding experience. Riders who ride to music testify that their horse partner “knows” the music and can feel the delight arise from the horse. Music might also be used as a relaxation tool for relaxing an anxious horse. It’s easy to incorporate music in your barn workout and riding workout using the I Rock N Ride speaker. It easily attaches securely to your saddle, or just about anywhere . . . your belt loop, golf cart, bicycle. You can also set it on the counter in your kitchen to rock while you cook. A bonus feature is that it helps keep the battery life on your connected device (smart phone).

How Does One Incorporate Music with the Right Motivating BPM?

This is basically a two-step process.

  • First, you find the BPM of the song and match it to your workout activity or your horse’s gait.  How do you find out what the BPM is of your favorite songs? Well, here’s a site that can tell you: Song BPM. Simply type in your song choice and the search engine will pull up options for that song title, with BPM listed and a way to listen to the song on a chosen platform.
  • Second, you find the BPM of your horse’s gait. How do you find out what the BPM is of your horse’s gaits? Yes, you horse’s gaits can be matched to music. Dressage freestyles are choreographed with this in mind. Here’s a quick article to get you started: Fun at Home: How to Match Music to Your Horse’s Gaits.

More Ways I Rock N Ride Assists Riders In and Out of the Saddle

The I Rock N Ride speaker does more than just deliver music, podcasts, or training instruction in the saddle. It also assists in a variety of communicating needs.

Gym Closed? Horse Riders Head Out to the Barn for a Barn Workout  | SLO Horse News

Use During a Lesson

Move over headphones or loudspeaker systems. I Rock N Ride is a personal speaker system that can aid instruction. Leah uses it for this purpose as she describes, “One of my trainers is hard to hear so we use I Rock N Ride for group or single lessons via audio call or free conference call. There are also walkie-talkie apps to connect riders.”

Get Your Thoughts Down While Riding

“I still find myself full of thoughts while riding” explains Leah and her use of I Rock N Ride for collecting her thoughts while riding. “To capture my thoughts, I set my timer via hands-free and go on a trail ride, or add stuff to my ‘TO-DO’ lists while in the saddle via hands-free. My phone is stored away in a zip pocket, and when the random thought of the moment strikes my A.D.D. brain…… I can just say ‘Hey Siri’ to my I Rock N Ride and tell her to add ‘get carrots’ to a to-do list, or ‘remind me to call the shoer in 3 hours.’”

Easily call 9-1-1 in an Emergency

“The 9-1-1 feature when activated on Smart Phones is one feature I knew was there, but hoped I didn’t have to use it,” explains Leah. Yet, she did have to use it and here is the story, “I found using the 9-1-1 was easy while witnessing someone passed out and seizing. My hands could barely work to even attempt to unlock my phone and dial. So, I simply said to the speaker ‘Hey Siri call 9-1-1.’ (Siri or google can be activated by saying ‘Call 9-1-1’ and a countdown begins to call for help.) Luckily, all people and animals are doing much better than that day.” 

Hands-free Communication in the Saddle

The beauty of using the I Rock N Ride speaker system is that it is hands-free and no headphones are needed. You can hear the music, and use it as a communication device without pulling off your gloves, yet remain aware of your surroundings at the same time.

So, is your local gym closed? Head out to the barn for a barn workout aided by I Rock N Ride.

Photo Credit: I ROCK N RIDE

Just so you know, clicking the above links may you to the product on the I ROCK N RIDE website. This makes shopping easy and convenient for you. We do get a little kick-back from items purchased, giving us resources for bringing you more stories, but your price stays the same. It’s a win-win! Happy Trails!

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