Horse riding and training is a never-ending learning process. We can always gain new insights, improve our connection with our horses and learn new techniques. Two clinics designed to improve your horsemanship are coming your way.
Check out These “Can’t Miss” March Horsemanship Clinics
Maurice Thibault – Focus on Freestyle – March 4-5, 2017
Can you drop the reins and still stop and turn your horse? Can you do this in both the quiet of the arena and the uncontrolled environment of the trail? Maurice Thibault’s freestyle training will help you have that kind of connection with your horse.
Your horse is your partner when it comes to both riding and groundwork. Maurice Thibault values a true, honest and natural method of communication with your equine partner. After watching Pat Parelli in action at a clinic, Maurice plunged into the program head first. He says, “I am better today than I ever have been, and will be better tomorrow because the program is so progressive.”
Now Maurice Thibault is a Certified Licensed Parelli Professional and Horse Development Specialist, who originally hails from
You and your horse can benefit from his teaching at Dream Ranch in Arroyo Grande March 4-5, 2017.
Meg Brauch – Straightness Training – March 17-19, 2017
Are you looking to develop your horse into a sound, strong and willing partner who is happy to progress through the training levels and continue to carry a rider into his or her adult life?
Straightness Training develops the horse symmetrically in body and limbs, distributing the weight evenly over all four limbs to create balance. “ST” uses aspects of classical dressage together with modern animal behavior and training methods in an effort to improve the physical and emotional wellbeing of the horse.
Meg Brauch is the first certified “ST” instructor in the
Come learn from this expert and witness the transformation yourself as an auditor at Dream Ranch in Arroyo Grande March 17-19, 2017.
Pre-registration is required for all clinic participants and auditors. Interested riders and auditors of either clinic can contact:
Tricia at Dream Ranch
818.974.9816 Cell
805.474.9908 Office
Stabling for the participants’ horses is available. Dream Ranch provides all registered riders with breakfast and coffee to start their day! Participants and auditors should bring their own chair, water and lunch or money for lunch. A lunch runner into town may be provided.
Dream Ranch is located in Arroyo Grande in the Huasna Area. Directions will be provided after registration.