Learn to Give Your Horse Greater Comfort

A horse in pain is an unwilling partner. Learning to give your horse greater comfort is a primary focus of horse care. As our horse’s caretaker we are quite tuned into their well-being while ensuring their comfort – whether under saddle, in the paddock or while grooming.

Horses shy away from pain. Sometimes traditional means of pain relief are not effective. What if you could learn to move the horse’s body away from pain toward a more comfortable position, such that the body is able to understand its pattern or condition and self-correction can occur?

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Learn to Give Your Horse Greater Comfort

You can learn the basic techniques of moving your horse’s body away from pain and towards comfort through Equine Positional Release (EPR). Mary Ann Menetrey, a Certified Equine Positional Release (EPR) Instructor and Practitioner will be here on the Central Coast June 11-12, 2022 to teach horse enthusiasts this healing technique. The clinic takes place at Seahorse Ranch in Los Osos with both days starting at 9:30 am and ending at 5:00.

Equine Positional Release

Mary Ann has spent many years studying and practicing EPR and other bodywork modalities which are geared towards stimulating the body’s self-healing abilities without using force.  Her studies were initially driven by a desire to help her own horses with physical and health issues where traditional medicine could not find a solution.  She saw the most profound and lasting results with EPR. 

“I have received very positive feedback on my clinics,” states Mary Ann. “The horses clearly enjoy the work and are calmer and move more fluidly after the clinic.  The work is easy to learn, highly effective and combines well with other systems of health care.”

“The possibilities become endless once the horse realizes that there is no pain associated with the work and that they are being allowed to enter into a dialogue for where and how to work with them,” explains Mary Ann.

Additionally, she practices human and equine Ortho-Bionomy® and is a Certified Practitioner of Masterson Method Integrated Equine Performance Bodywork.  Mary Ann is also a faculty member of EQUUS, a self-mastery and leadership development approach based out of Santa Fe, New Mexico.  She has been and avid horsewoman most of her life and bases her equine and human practice, Primo Motion Bodywork, near Espanola, New Mexico.

So, make plans to catch this unique clinic where you will learn techniques to help your horse enjoy greater balance, comfort and function. Your horse will thank you for it. The EPR Clinic takes place June 11-12, 2022 at Seahorse Ranch in Los Osos from 9:30 am-5 pm.  The cost is $300 for two days.

Register for the EPR Clinic

Please contact Lisa Shinn (805) 748-9595 or Mary Ann Menetrey – mamenetrey@windstream.net  or (505) 660-5815 to register.

  • The class size is limited to 10 students. 
  • Registration is now open until June 10 or until class is full. 
  • Auditors are welcome.
  • There will be class time for discussing theory and then hands-on time with horses. 

Get going! Looking for trails to ride in SLO County? This hotsheet will get you going on a few of the top rides. Get this delivered to your e-mail and join the SLO Horse News herd to stay up-to-date on herd happenings. Click here > SLO County Trails Hot Sheet to get going!

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