Manage Annoying Flies and Fly Bites

When it comes to being a horse owner, one of the most annoying and constant issues we face is dealing with flies.  It’s a vicious cycle – flies bite the horse’s legs, the horse nose-rubs the leg and leaves saliva, which draws more flies to the area that bite the legs again.  Face flies annoy the eyes which creates secretions which attract more flies. Managing annoying flies is a constant battle, even with all of the sprays, salves and “protectors” out there on the market.

Fly Bites Create Bigger Problem

The problem of fly bites is exacerbated tenfold when the horse has insect allergies, which results in itchiness, hair loss, hives and even open wounds.  Once the inflamed skin is broken or abraded, bacteria will invade the wounds and cause superficial skin infections.  Not only does this look terrible, but it feels terrible for the horse.  It can lead to days where your horse is unable to be ridden due to discomfort. Fly irritation can result in the inability to apply regular working wraps, like polos or medicine boots, and it is generally a real “bugger”. Top that off with a horse that likes to rip off fly-protective leg wraps, and you have a big problem on your hands.

The situation gets even more complicated when you add the most common fly deterrent on the market into the mix – fly spray.  Some horses have an intolerance to the stuff, plain and simple; they can’t handle the spray from the bottle.  Sprays also don’t last and attract dirt and oil. Flies can become almost “immune” if you use the same brand over and over again, and, let’s face it, we’re basically spraying toxins all over our horses on a daily basis.

What is a Horse Owner to Do?

carerra-legs-before-wh-2016-05-10-006Carerra, the mare that I currently ride, fits the above description to a tee, and we were able to solve this problem with another fantastic product brought to us by Well-Horse!

The mare tolerated me brushing on Well-Horse, which soothed the wounds on her legs left by the fly bites.  Well-Horse also formed a barrier over these wounds to shut out more irritation.  The antibacterial properties went to work clearing up the infection and promoted clean healing.  Her face and eyes react equally to fly bites as do her legs, and luckily she will wear a fly mask. Any wounds left on her face are quickly and safely cleared up by Well-Horse.

Caroline, another Well-Horse user, shared her experience with the terrible trouble caused by fly bites.  “I was at my wits end with ‘out of control’ flies, until I tried Well-Horse Fly Barrier Foam.  My 8-year-old gelding, Beau, has sensitive skin on his face and lower legs.  Every summer, he tears off fly boots and masks, and is left with bites everywhere.  Fly sprays don’t last, so I tried applying Well-Horse Foam on his legs and face.  Wow, what a difference!  Beau stands quietly while I rub on the Well-Horse Foam, and best of all, it provides a protective barrier from flies and other insects for days!”

Fly Barrier Designed Specifically For This Use

The Well-Horse Fly Barrier product is designed specifically for treating and protecting the sensitive areas where horses are most susceptible to fly-bite reactions – those places where the skin is thin and there is little fatty tissue beneath. Fly Barrier also treats summer sores, dermatitis, and irritated eyes due to flies. Simply spray the foam or bush the resin on the affected area, or onto a clean rag and dab on, to create a no fly zone.  It will also heal and treat secondary bacterial and fungal infections.

All-natural Well-Horse products are multi-use and serve as topical wound treatments and barriers against infection, thrush, scratches and just about anything your horse may get himself into.  Keep a complete line of Well-Horse products in your brush box. You’ll be ahead of the game!




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