Giddy Up to the Mid-State Classic High School Rodeo | SLO Horse News

Giddy Up to the Mid-State Classic High School Rodeo

Howdy Partner, gather your friends and head ‘em up to the Paso Robles Event Center for the Mid-State Classic High School Rodeo the weekend of November 17-19, 2017. Grab your cowboy hat and come watch and learn from high school rodeo stars who will be competing in a variety of events. Each event will include the top 5 contestants from each California district. Our local District 7 (Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties) is hosting this event.

Mid-State Classic High School Rodeo

Giddy Up to the Mid-State Classic High School Rodeo | SLO Horse News
Gabriella Patino Photo: Suzanne Usher

The Mid-State Classic High School Rodeo has been held in our neck of the woods for over 27 years. This Rodeo is second in size to the CHSRA State Finals which take place in June of each year. The youth members of District 7 will all have a part to play in the production of this rodeo. Their job is to organize each event and ensure the rules are adhered to. The youth members will be guided by District 7 adult board members.

Each event is open to any California High School Rodeo Association (CHSRA) member. However, contestants from CHSRA Districts 4,6,7,8 and 9 will be competing for points for school year-end placing within their respective districts.

Giddy Up to the Mid-State Classic High School Rodeo | SLO Horse News
Sadie Noblitt Photo: Suzanne Usher

High School contestants in grades 9-12 will be competing in 13 events:

  • Rein Cow Horse
  • Boys/Girls Cutting
  • Saddle Bronc Riding
  • Bareback Riding
  • Bull Riding
  • Tie Down Roping
  • Steer Wrestling
  • Team Roping
  • Barrel Racing
  • Pole Bending
  • Goat Tying
  • Breakaway Roping

Two go-rounds in each event takes place at a High School Rodeo. Each participant has his or her eye on a special saddle which is awarded to the All-Around Cowboy and Cowgirl. In addition, other prizes will be awarded to the champions and reserve event winners.

Special Events at the Mid-State Classic High School Rodeo

Friday November 17th

Events start at 8:00 am. The evening will hold the Jack Pot Team Roping which is open to the public. Roping begins at 7:00 pm and sign-up run from 6:00 – 7:00 pm right before the roping begins. Contestants need not be CHSRA members. #8 Handicap Pick & Draw – 3 for $60.

Giddy Up to the Mid-State Classic High School Rodeo | SLO Horse News

Saturday November 18th

Events start at 7:45 am. A silent auction benefiting District 7 opens Saturday at 10:00 am.

Sunday November 19th

Events start at 8:00 am. National Finals Rodeo raffle will be held in the afternoon. Tickets will be sold throughout the weekend.

Various vendors will have booths with merchandise ranging from western clothing to tack and western décor throughout the weekend. Food venues will be open. Admission to the rodeo is free.

High School Rodeo Competition

Giddy Up to the Mid-State Classic High School Rodeo | SLO Horse News
Rhett Varian Photo: Suzanne Usher

CHSRA competitors are all high school students. Unlike traditional high school sports, the competitors do not represent their respective schools. However, each member must maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher and remain in good standing at school and with the high school rodeo association on a district, state and national level.

These high school students compete in an average of 10 rodeos throughout the school year beginning in September and running through April. At each rodeo, members earn points when they place in the top 10 of each event and in the average. At the end of the year, the top 5 point earners in each event will represent their district at the CHSRA State Finals which is held in Bishop, CA in June. While at the State Finals members compete for one of 4 qualifying positions for the National High School Finals Rodeo. The 2018 NHSFR will be held in Rock Springs, Wyoming in July.

So come along, grab your cowboy hat and get on over to the Mid-State Classic High School Rodeo! Watch the local rodeo stars compete in a variety of rodeo events.

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