My Horse Show Daddy | SLO Horse News

My Horse Show Daddy

An equestrian he was not,

But I didn’t care,

That he couldn’t tie a quick release knot,

My daddy was just always there.


Despite being a fish out of water,

He came to offer support,

To watch me, his one daughter,

Ride her horse for joy and for sport.


Daddy would hold my little grey horse,

Grabbing the reins in a near strangle-hold,

While I surveyed the jump course,

Because that little horse could run off – he was bold!


Dad would stand to the side,

And brush out the tail,

While I tacked up my ride,

And got ready to sail.


Once I settled in the saddle,

He’d dust my boots with a towel,

Then find a place by the rail, away from the babble,

Always watching, yet quiet as an owl.


One memory in particular,

Of my horse show dad,

Stands out amongst the blur,

And it makes me so very glad…


The minutes were ticking down,

Until I was “on-deck”.

I was first after Dressage and wanted to keep my crown.

The cross-country phase of a three-in-one show was next.


They were calling my number,

Time for one more practice leap,

I rushed in a long spot, making a blunder,

And we both fell in a not so graceful heap.


I dusted myself off with a wipe –

On each of my rosy cheeks.

Leaving a dirty little stripe,

And matching marks on my sleeves.


“Sweetie, what happened here?”

Asked my dad when he saw,

“Oh, we fell, but no tears,

Because it’s our time in the draw.”


Prince and I cruised around that cross country course,

He was happy and confident, a jumping machine.

My head was in the clouds on my bold little horse,

And in the end we jumped that course clean!


With a smile and a wave I exited with sense,

I’ll never forget my dad’s words to me and my horse

“Great job, sweetie, but you missed a fence!”

It was true, I had galloped past a jump on the course!


And yet my horse show dad was still there,

Whether the results were good or bad,

To groom, hold things, comfort and cheer,

It was his love, I knew I always had.


Oh, thank you my Horse Show Daddy, may we show together again

On a white horse, in heaven. I’ll greet you with a grin.


Hold things



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