Eden Memorial Pet Care

Finding Beauty in the Cremains – Jennifer Camsuzou | SLO Horse News

Finding Beauty in the Cremains – Jennifer Camsuzou


Although her job requires her to face loss every day, Jennifer has found much beauty to appreciate along the way. “We get to be around people who truly care about their animals. They are good, quality people,” expressed Jennifer Camsuzou, who added, “I connect easily with our clients because they care.” Sharon Jantzen shares Jennifer’s story of her work as Eden Memorial’s Cremation Assistant.

7 Questions To Ask Your Vet About Cremation


You have choices when it comes to end-of-life plans for your special pets. Understanding the cremation process and knowing the questions to ask will help you make the best choice for your needs with your pet’s best interest in mind. Sharon Jantzen talks with her friend Christine of Eden Memorial Pet Care who shares the questions you should ask your vet about cremation.

All I Have Left is a Forelock and a Tail


Is having the forelock and tail of my beloved Katie in a bag tucked away somewhere really the best way to honor her? Are there better or more unique alternatives? Sharon Jantzen spoke with Christine Johnson, General Manager of Eden Memorial Pet Care, to get some ideas as to what options are available to preserve the memory of our horses.