Learn to Ride with Confidence: Mandy Probyn Workshop | SLO Horse News

Learn to Ride with Confidence: Mandy Probyn Workshop

Horses are not safe. All equestrians experience a scary situation or two at some point in their time spent with horses. Some can keep riding, yet more have their confidence shaken. Do you need build back your trust in your horse and learn to ride with confidence?

Ladies Confidence Building Workshop

Mandy Probyn of Australia is bringing her clinic, Ladies Confidence Building Workshop, to Arroyo Grande June 15-16, 2019. Mandy will help women address their horse riding fears while working around other like-minded women with similar issues.

Workshop activities will start with groundwork where ladies will learn to confidently move their horse’s body around. These lessons will then transfer to mounted work with exercises designed to keep riders safe while equipping ladies with tools enabling them to confidently ride their horses.

Having faced and worked through fear issues in her own life with horses, Mandy brings practical experience to this workshop. She will share how she worked through these feelings and what worked for her. Mandy has a passion to help women regain their confidence and loves to see them feel empowered equipping them with the tools to do so.

Learn to Ride with Confidence: Mandy Probyn Workshop  | SLO Horse News

Ride Yourself or Learn by Watching

Come participate in this clinic as a rider in one of the 10 spots or learn from others as an auditor. You will come away from the clinic with not only new-found tools in your tool bag for regaining confidence with your horses, but also new-found friendships with the other ladies. The moral support you receive from other ladies throughout the clinic is always encouraging.

Mandy Probyn’s Ladies Confidence Workshop will be held at Jill von Ilten’s place: 8050 Huasna in Arroyo Grande. Riding spots are $220 for both days. Auditing is $25 per day. Bring your own chair, water, sunscreen. Parking on site. Limited stabling. Contact Jill von Ilten (805) 481-1548 to register for the clinic or for more information.

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