There’s so Much More to Horses Than Just Riding; Horses Set You Free

Horses set you free. “Horses were my salvation during a traumatic divorce,” says Colleen Caudill a licensed Equine Facilitated Life Coach, as she began to tell her story of how horses set her free. “As I worked around the horses I realized there was so much more to them than being used simply for our pleasure.”

We all have our own unique story describing how we got into horses; probably for riding at first, then . . . most likely we then found these complex creatures had more to offer as the horse interaction worked its magic and set us free.

Horses Set You Free

“Horses mirror what a human feels and respond to those feelings,” explains Colleen. As a prey animal, horses find their safety in the herd. One herd member out of sorts, threatens the entire herd. So horses naturally want those around them to feel comfortable and safe. “Negative thoughts limit us to move forward,” Colleen continued. “Horses help you identify your feelings so you will feel comfortable, safe and free.”

Colleen Caudill has been studying the healing aspect of horses for quite a while, under several mentors. Each mentor has provided insight and experience to help Colleen launch her own methods. She also has acquired four special “Medicine Horses” whose hearts are larger than the average horse making them keenly aware of the feelings of those (human and horse) around them.

Lighten Up Workshop

Now, you too can delve more intently into the freedom offered through Equine Facilitated Life Coaching. Colleen is conducting an Introductory Workshop called, “Lighten Up”. Spend an evening and a day, February 15-16, 2019, with her at her beautiful Ranchita Estates property learning about yourself and finding freedom through horse interaction. Let the horses set you free. No horse experience is needed so grab a friend to go with you.

Lighten Up Workshop Activities

Friday night, February 15 – Meet and Greet

Meet with Colleen and other workshop attendees to find out more about Equine Facilitated Life coaching along with her treasured “Medicine Horses”. Colleen will discuss the workshop goals, find out about each attendee, explain how energy moves through a herd and go through the basics of what horses have to offer us and what we have to offer horses. Delicious hors d’oeuvres and beverages will be served.

Talk About Emotions as Horses Set You Free

A large part of the Friday night discussion will be about emotions – joy, relief, love, grief, anger, sadness, worry to name a few. Attendees will need to know how to process emotions productively and understand the why in the emotion’s message, as emotions will surely come up during the workshop. Colleen and trained facilitators will help each attendee answer this question: “How can these emotions be turned into allies to remove false voices, disempowering thoughts and beliefs?”

Saturday, February 16 – Horse Play Day

“We’ll all play with the horses on Saturday,” says Colleen with joy and anticipation in her voice. This day will start off with energy awareness exercises and fun games all designed to help participants develop awareness of their energy bubble and that of others. A fabulous, organic lunch will be provided.

Let the Horse Choose You

“The exercises will now translate to the horses”, says Colleen. Participants will first interact with the horses from the outside of the paddock, then discuss what was experienced. “After a short body awareness exercise each participant will meet the horses again.” At this point, horses will choose their person.

Reflective Round Pen Session

The next activity will be a reflective round pen session with a facilitator, participant and the horse who has chosen you. Participants will be in the round pen with the horse with the facilitator supporting the process from the outside. During the session the attendee will be encouraged to identify what is happening, name it and learn from it in the moment.


At the end of the day, all participants will take part in a debriefing session where the lessons and emotions will be processed in several ways including journaling and a drawing project.

Horses Set You Free to Live the Life You Love

“This workshop is about awakening, empowering and inspiring in an engaging way through Equine Facilitated Life Coaching. The end result is finally feeling free to live the life you love,” expressed Colleen as she wrapped up the Lighten Up Workshop activities.

Let the horses set you free through the Lighten Up Workshop February 15-16, 2019. Fantastic organic food and all activities are included in the Lighten Up Workshop price. Prior horse experience is not necessary. Accommodations are not included.

Do you need to Lighten Up and finally feel free? Act now and you can save money! We have a registration discount code waiting for you once you click and receive the Lighten Up Workshop flyer and registration form. < click this link and submit your info to receive the code, flyer and registration form.

Cover Photo: Elisabeth Haug

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